How to Avoid A Trip to the Emergency Veterinary Hospital this Christmas
Tip 1: Don't leave gifts that contain food under the Christmas tree
Chocolates, Christmas puddings, coffee and baked goods are all very common and thoughtful gifts to receive, however they can often prove too temping for our inquisitive four legged friends and depending on what is consumed and how much, can be toxic for your pet. If you are concerned at all call your local veterinary emergency hospital for advice (contact numbers located at the bottom of this article).

Tip 2: Don't leave a table of food unsupervised
The terribly unfortunate sentence "We just stepped out for a second to take a family photo!" is uttered too many times on Christmas day. Hours of your hard work making a huge Christmas Day feast can be snapped up in an instant by a quick footed four legged friend (foe?) when given the chance. Can you blame them?! Your cooking smells amazing, so best not tempt the little opportunist by leaving your beautiful spread unsupervised, not even for a minute.

Tip 3: Keep all trash out of reach of your pets and frequently take it out to the bin
Bones, skewers and corn cobs (just to name a few) can require emergency surgery to be removed if ingested by your furry friend, so skip the fuss and keep a lid on your trash.

Tip 4: Don't feed your pet fatty foods (chicken skins, sausages, ham)
Feeding your pet fatty foods can lead to the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and no one has vomiting and diarrhoea on their wish list this year. Avoid a trip to emergency and keep your pets on their usual diet for the day and, if you would like to include them in the celebrations consider organising some pet friendly treats.

Tip 5: Ditch the Christmas costume after you've snapped a photo
Heat stoke is one of the most common reasons a family have to visit their local pet emergency clinic on Christmas day. Trying to juggle the hustle and bustle of the day (cooking, presents, visitors, children) is a huge job so make sure you set yourself up for success. Tw of the easiest things to do to avoid heat stoke is ensure there is a cool and calm place your pet can escape to any time they need, set periodical alarms for yourself to check they have access to fresh, clean and cool water at all times, and remove any kind of Christmas outfits you have Fido dressed in as soon as the photos are done as they can stop your pet from regulating their temperature properly. Symptoms of heatstroke include excessive panting, bright red gums and tongue which turn to blue, salivation, vomiting, anxious pacing, lack of coordination, stumbling and seizures. If you pet experiences any of the above seek further advice or visit your local emergency veterinary hospital.

Emergency hospitals open over the holiday period located near Oakleigh Central Veterinary Clinic:
Animal Emergency Centre Moorabbin - (03) 9532 5261 - 248 Wickham Road, Highett VIC 3190, Australia
Pet Emergency and Specialist Centre - (03) 9569 3677 - 1103 Dandenong Rd, Malvern East, VIC 3145
Animal Emergency Centre Mount Waverley - (03) 9803 8122 - 37 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley VIC 3149, Australia