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Stress Free At Home—Steps To Distract and De-Stress Pets When Leaving The House

In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the impact on our beloved pets when we depart for work or school in the morning. Yet, for them, our leaving can trigger a cascade of stress and anxiety. Recognising and addressing this issue is crucial for maintaining their mental well-being. 

From interactive toys to positive departure cues, there are a range of methods designed to keep our pets occupied and comforted when we leave the house, ensuring that our pets feel safe and secure, even when they're not by our side.

Understanding Pet Separation Anxiety

Addressing separation anxiety is essential for the well-being of pets. Untreated anxiety can have a significant negative impact on their mental and physical health, leading to chronic stress, depression and behavioural issues. 

When pets experience separation anxiety, they may exhibit a range of distressing behaviours. Excessive vocalisation, such as barking, howling or whining, is common as pets seek attention or express their anxiety. Additionally, pets may engage in destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture or scratching doors, in an attempt to alleviate their distress or escape confinement. Some pets may also exhibit inappropriate elimination indoors, even if they are house-trained, due to anxiety or stress. 

Physical symptoms of distress, such as pacing, drooling, trembling or excessive grooming, may also manifest in pets with separation anxiety. 

Engaging Distraction Techniques

1. Creating a designated "departure zone" equipped with engaging activities can help to ease your pets' anxiety when you leave the house. This area can be stocked with a variety of toys, puzzles and treats to keep pets entertained and distracted during your absence.

You can also include comforting items such as blankets or clothing with your scent, to provide a sense of security and familiarity. By designating a specific area for departure activities, your pets can associate positive experiences with being alone, helping to reduce their anxiety and stress levels over time.

2. Interactive toys play a crucial role in keeping pets occupied and mentally stimulated when left alone. Toys that stimulate their natural instincts, such as chasing, hunting or problem-solving can help to alleviate boredom and anxiety. Interactive toys encourage pets to engage in independent play, keeping their minds engaged and their energy levels balanced. Rotating toys and activities regularly can prevent your pets from becoming bored or disinterested, ensuring that they stay engaged and entertained while you are away.

3. Puzzle feeders and treat-dispensing toys are excellent tools for providing mental stimulation and rewarding pets for their efforts. These toys challenge pets to work for their food by solving puzzles or manipulating mechanisms to access treats. By incorporating these toys into their daily routine, you can turn departure time into a stimulating activity that occupies your pets' attention and provides mental enrichment.

Incorporating Positive Departure Cues

Establishing a consistent departure routine is essential for helping pets feel more secure and relaxed when you leave the house. By following a predictable pattern of actions before departure, such as putting on shoes, grabbing keys and saying a specific phrase like "be good, I'll be back soon," pets can anticipate and adapt to your absence more easily. Consistency in the departure routine helps pets understand that departures are a normal part of their daily routine and reduces the stress associated with sudden changes or uncertainty.

Over time, these positive associations will help your pets to feel more relaxed and confident when you leave, as they anticipate enjoyable experiences or rewards in your absence.

Utilising Calming Aids

1. Calming pheromone products such as Adaptil (for dogs) and Feliway (for cats) can significantly contribute to reducing a pet's anxiety and promoting a sense of calm in their environment. These products (diffusers, sprays or collars), release synthetic pheromones that mimic those naturally produced by mother animals to soothe their offspring. The pheromones help create a familiar and comforting atmosphere for pets, similar to the feeling of security they experience when in close proximity to their mother. By incorporating calming pheromone products into your pet's environment, you can help alleviate stress and anxiety, particularly during times of separation or changes in routine.

2. The use of music or white noise can also be an effective way to create a soothing environment for pets. Playing soft, calming music or white noise in the background can help mask loud noises from outside, create a consistent and predictable auditory environment, and promote relaxation in pets.

Desensitisation Training

Desensitisation training is a gentle and effective approach to help pets overcome separation anxiety by gradually exposing them to departure cues in a controlled environment. This method involves breaking down the departure routine into small, manageable steps, allowing pets to become accustomed to triggers without provoking anxiety or distress. For example, during training sessions, you may start by briefly picking up your keys or putting on a coat and then engaging in a fun activity with your pet. Over time, the duration of exposure to departure cues can be gradually increased as your pet becomes more comfortable and confident.

Positive reinforcement techniques are integral to desensitisation exercises, as they help create positive associations with departure cues. Whenever your pet remains calm and relaxed in the presence of triggers, you should praise and reward them with treats, toys or verbal praise. This positive reinforcement helps reinforce calm behaviour and encourages your pet to remain relaxed during departures. By consistently rewarding desired behaviours, you can help strengthen your pet's confidence and resilience, making them more resilient to separation anxiety triggers over time.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Recognising when professional help may be needed is an important aspect of addressing pet separation anxiety. While many cases of mild to moderate separation anxiety can be effectively managed with at-home strategies, there are instances where professional guidance may be necessary. If a pet's anxiety symptoms are severe or persistent, despite efforts to address them, it may be a sign that professional intervention is needed. Additionally, if a pet's anxiety significantly interferes with their daily functioning or quality of life, seeking the expertise of a professional can help provide the best possible care and support.

In cases of severe separation anxiety, medication may be recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to help alleviate symptoms and improve your pet's overall well-being. Our veterinarians can prescribe medications such as anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants to help manage your pet's anxiety levels and promote relaxation. However, medication should always be used in conjunction with behavioural therapy and other management strategies, and the decision to use medication should be made in consultation with our vets who can assess your pet's individual needs and monitor their response to treatment.

To book a veterinary consultation for your pet, please call us on (03) 9568 2211.

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