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Spring = Fleas

Warm days are wonderful, however we're not the only ones who think that! Those pesky little parasites FLEAS also love the warmer weather! Although fleas are present throughout the entire year, spring is when we see them spring into action! Flea eggs sit dormant through winter and it only takes a few warm sunny days to see them hatch in celebration!

To ensure your pets are well protected we recommend a full frontal attack!

If you have have a flea problem, these steps will help eradicate them:

- Hot wash and tumble dry (if possible) all of your pets bedding, this includes your own linen if your pet sneaks in at night or during the day, throw rugs on your couch and ALL of the favourite nap spots through the house

- Flea bomb your house! Remove all of your pets (they can spend the day with us if need be) use the recommended amount of cans (we recommend Fido's Flea Bombs) and thoroughly vacuum your house when it's done

- Flea treat ALL of your pets! Not just the one you see fleas on. We recommend a monthly Activyl for dogs and cats (stocks are quickly improving after the disaster with the American warehouse) or a three monthly Braveco treat for dogs. Please make sure topical flea treatments are only administered two days before or after a bath.

Remember that fleas can enter your environment by many avenues, so even if your pet is an indoor only baby you still need to treat them! Stray cats, possums, dogs etc all drop fleas around through the neighbourhood which can easily be trekked inside on shoes, clothing, plants etc!

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