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Our Newest Team Member

Well, as you may have noticed... I've been getting rather fat over the last 9 months... and it wasn't from eating too many of the chocolates sent by our wholesalers.... although I have been known to demolish an entire bag of them on my own!

I am very happy to say that my weight problem is over, as on the 1st of December my husband and I welcomed an adorable baby boy into the world! His name is Zed and we're absolutely in love. Our daughter Lena thinks he is the best 'tiny little baby Zed' and is adjusting to life as a big sister very well.

Zoso and Volta my beautiful little cavaliers are also adjusting to having another little person in the house very well. Volta loves to be by Zed's side for as much of the day as possible whilst Zoso gives him a casual lick on the way past but mostly seems unfazed by it all.

Life is certainly a little busier for us now, but I fully intend on staying in touch with whats happening around the clinic in the months ahead.

We are back up and running tomorrow, Tuesday the 2nd of January. We hope you've had a safe and happy New Year.

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